acc kn skrg ni i have a bad feeling..
i want cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!

wat the 10sion day.....
huh!!!!!dont like dis..

xley nk tumpu prhatian lgsg ntok memories n study...
sok da exam database..
but dri siang td try memories tp lgsg xjln..
huh!!xske sy cmni......

what i must do 4 pay at10sion 2 memories dis note..
da la sir xgtaw pon ape merit n ape distinction ntok exam esok...
so 10sion n ridiculous if i cannot do something to dis thing..
who can help me!!!!!!!!!!!
acc kn skrg ni i have a bad feeling..
i want cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!
wat the 10sion day.....
huh!!!!!dont like dis..
xley nk tumpu prhatian lgsg ntok memories n study...
sok da exam database..
but dri siang td try memories tp lgsg xjln..
huh!!xske sy cmni......
what i must do 4 pay at10sion 2 memories dis note..
da la sir xgtaw pon ape merit n ape distinction ntok exam esok...
so 10sion n ridiculous if i cannot do something to dis thing..
who can help me!!!!!!!!!!!
bole tUe..
Nex PaPer aKu 9 ari LagI..
sIla JeleS...
gud Lak...
amat la xjels k..
sok last paper..
then cau sin chi dri kolj..
so lg la jgn jeles..
btw tq n gud luck 2 u 2..
cian nyer kamu...
kamu nie bru ari 2 adviced ain..
nie die lak yg kene...
mcm ain ari 2,ptg 2 ain langsung xtngok ape2 note...
lyn tenet je...then try release from that...
mlm 2 lpas solat n bc yassin...
bru ain bleh focus skit2...
dont give up ok dear...
i know u cant do it...
confident with ur self oke...
dont give 2 much stress in ur head...
try hafal skit then relax
pas2 cont blik..just do it like that until u have done ..
oke least u try,right...
dont be sad again oke dear...
thankz ye ain..
juz arini mmg gller r thp gaban xley focus lgsg..
btw thankz again..
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