22 February 2010

.::Give Me Some Opinion::.

salam n nitez my dear bloggy..
ni nk tnye pndpt2 spe2 yg bce blog ni la kn..
klo korg la kn ade yg minx declare nk jd pkwe korg..
korg trime x??
knl lme xlme but ok la kn..
still dlm proses knl..
but umo die bwh sthn dri korg..
agk2 korg trime x??
ni bg gurlz k..huhu..
really need opinion from u guys..



cik.pija said...

alaaa..setahun je.
xda beza nya.
kalao the boy baik, ape salah nya terima je.

-ERRYN- said...

try laa.......

♪♬ Aq tetap Aq ♬♪ said...

ejaa=>>huhu..even sthn tp pe pndgn org klo taw the boy lbh mude sthn dri the gurlz??

erryn=>>try ke??hahah..

Usia Ku

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