10 June 2009


shari,2hri,3hri n strusnye..
aq slalu mghitung hri..
nk taw ape yg aq hitung??
bkn aq nk kawen ke or tung..
tp aq mnghitung bile la nk abis sem ni..
aq xlart lorh..
ade lg stu presentation..
mak ai cpat la abs..
xsggup aq mnggung drite slagi xselesai present 2..
ahai sir..
knp la sir nk kmi present2 ni..
da ade soft copy n hard copy but still want we present also..
why la sir..
really2 so tired..
tol x kengkawan???


hijauGreen said...

yup2...really tired...huhu...
but what to do...that's the only that we can have...huhuhu...but perhaps no more 4 next semester..
OMG...enough 4 making "dosa" kering..xlarat ooooo....
abs la sem ni...hehe..pape pn..caiyok2!..:)

♪♬ Aq tetap Aq ♬♪ said...

u r rite..
but seriusly i dont want sir like this sem 4 the next sem..
so jahat aq ni..

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